Koinonia’s Blog
Surviving Puppy Biting: Leash Biting
As a professional dog trainer, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a puppy client who didn’t need help with biting. Puppy biting is seldom aggressive, but it’s always present and always a problem.
Learn what to do when your puppy bites the leash.
Surviving Puppy Biting: Stop Biting My Feet!
As a professional dog trainer, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a puppy client who didn’t need help with biting. Puppy biting is seldom aggressive, but it’s always present and always a problem.
Learn how to stop your puppy from biting your feet.
Surviving Puppy Biting: Structured Play for Puppies
As a professional dog trainer, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a puppy client who didn’t need help with biting. Puppy biting is seldom aggressive, but it’s always present and always a problem.
Survive puppy biting by learning how to play with your puppy in a way that minimizes biting and maximizes good behavior.
Surviving Puppy Biting: Puppies and Kids
Surviving puppy biting. As a professional dog trainer, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a puppy client who didn’t need help with biting. Puppy biting is seldom aggressive, but it’s always present and always a problem.
Learn what you can do to stop your puppy from biting your kids.
Must-Have Skills for Shopping with Your Dog
Enjoy the time with your dog and avoid embarrassment with these must-have skills for shopping with your dog!
Training Your Dog to Be A Therapy Dog: It's a Team Sport
Therapy work is a team sport, and like any team event, all the members need to be enthusiastic and thoroughly equipped participants.
Have you asked your dog if he’s excited about being a therapy dog?
What Board and Train Taught Me About Dog Training
Being a professional dog trainer doesn’t mean I’ve stopped learning. Here’s what 13 dogs in 14 months taught me about dog trianing.
How to Fix Counter-Surfing
Counter-Surfing is what happens when the dog put his paws (either front two or all four) on counters or tables in search of food, dishes, paper, etc. It’s a very irritating problem made even more difficult with modern, open-style floor plans.
How do we fix it?
Why I Say No to Shock, Prong, and Chain Collars
Science aside, I believe this debate ultimately comes down to philosophy: either you’re okay changing behavior via discomfort or you’re not.
Personally, I’m not.
5 Reasons Your Dog Isn't Listening to You
Get to the root of your dog’s listening and obedience problem.
7 Ways to Keep Your Dog Safer
Although we can’t completely eliminate accidents and injury, we can do things to reduce the likelihood and impact. Part of taking precautions is understanding where the potential for danger is and taking steps to reduce the threat. Here are seven things you can do to keep your dog safer.