8 Uses for Dr Overall's Protocol for Relaxation
I learned about Dr Karen Overall’s Protocol for Relaxation years ago and now I use it with just about every dog I work with.
Even though it’s labeled for Relaxation, I also use it to teach dogs to stay on their Place rug. She’s lays out exactly what to do so it’s an easy, no-brainer exercise.
Staying (or relaxing) on a Place rug is such a useful skills for dogs! Here are 8 ways you can use Dr Overall’s Protocol for Relaxation.
As an alternative to:
Begging at the table
Darting out the front door
Jumping on visitors
Barking or otherwise pestering you during Zoom calls/meetings
As part of:
Creating quiet, calm car rides
Crate training
Separation anxiety (I do NOT expect the dog to stay on the rug the whole time you’re gone! The protocol simply offers a structured, easy way to introduce very brief separation and absences)
I recommend starting by getting a specific rug that only comes out for Relaxation practice the first two to three weeks. (I like something like this).
Next, practice the protocol inside your home when it’s quiet and there aren’t many distractions. Once your dog is getting the hang of it, you can start the protocol over in increasingly distracting situations.
Note that I’m not using “Place” to make some kind of point about leadership/authority or to restrict the dog’s activity for an extended period of time. When I use “Place,” I’m using it as a specific activity that’s incompatible with an undesirable behavior AND I have previously taught the dog to love being on the rug.