Koinonia Dogs’ Blog
4 Danger Zones for Dog-Reactive Dogs
Support your dog-reactive dog by staying alert to these potential trouble spots!
5 More Things to Know Before You Get Your Puppy
From your own sleep schedule to puppy socialization, here are five things from the front lines.
My Favorite Chews for Dogs
My top 3 three recommendations as a Certified Professional Dog Trainer.
What Your Dog Trainer Wishes You Knew About Car Safety
Easy changes to make car rides a little safer for your pup!
How to correct my puppy?
The secret to good training isn’t the perfect correction, but not having to correct in the first place!
6 Tips for Dog Fosters
Thank you for fostering! Implement these tips for success all around.
How NOT to solve your dog's reactivity with an e-collar
I work with a lot of reactive dogs. Here’s why I don’t use an e-collar.
Red (and Green) Flags in Dog Training
When choosing a trainer, watch out for these signs of trouble.